General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions


Article 1 - Preliminary definitions

For the purposes of these general terms and conditions, the following terms are defined as follows:

GCS: refers to the present general sales conditions.

Customer: refers to any consumer and/or professional having the capacity required to reserve the Services.

The Hotel: refers to SAS Hôtelière Séjour Beaubourg , Registered Office: 36 rue grenier Saint Lazare 75003 Paris , Telephone: 01 44 61 10 10, Mail:, Share capital: 120.000 Euros, SIRET : 50501132000023, 505 011 320 RCS Paris, TVA : FR90505011320 Directeur ou Gérant mentionné sur le Kbis : LE PAVOUX Thomas, Directeur de Publication : LE PAVOUX Thomas

Party/s: the Hotel and the Customer may be referred to in these GCS as the Party/s individually or collectively.

Services: refers to all products and services offered for sale at the Hotel and/or on the Internet Site, in particular overnight stays.

Website: refers to the website.

Article 2 - Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to all services provided by the Hotel. In particular, they specify the conditions of reservation, payment and stay.

They are systematically communicated to all Customers prior to any reservation and shall prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document. Any reservation implies acceptance by the Customer of the present General Terms and Conditions.

As these GTS may be subject to subsequent modification, the version applicable to the Customer's purchase is that in force on the Internet Site at the date of the reservation.

Article 3 - Services - Stay

3.1 Provisions common to all Services

The main characteristics of the Services are presented at the Hotel and/or on the Internet Site. The Customer must familiarize himself/herself with these before making a reservation. The choice and purchase of a Service is the sole responsibility of the Customer.

Offers of Services are subject to availability, as specified at the time of booking.

The photographs and graphics presented at the Hotel and/or on the Website are not contractual and do not engage the responsibility of the Hotel. The Customer is required to refer to the description of each Service in order to understand its properties and essential particularities.

3.2 Overnight stays

Overnight stays at the Hotel are only valid for the duration and for a specific number of customers, as indicated on the reservation made by the Customer. Under no circumstances may the Customer claim any right to remain in the premises.

Arrival and departure times at the Hotel can be consulted at the Hotel and/or on the Website and/or on partner sites. The Hotel may refuse any late arrival if the Customer fails to submit a written request at least 24 hours before the scheduled arrival date.

Access to the Hotel is authorized upon presentation of the reservation, giving access to the Hotel's rooms and facilities for the period indicated on the reservation.

3.3 Stay

The procedures and conditions of the Stay are described in the Hotel's internal regulations, which the Customer declares to respect in their entirety.

Article 4 - Booking

4.1 Immediate purchases at the Hotel or reservation by telephone

Immediate purchases are made directly at the Hotel, with immediate delivery of the keys to the reserved room, subject to availability.

Rooms may be presented by telephone, enabling the customer to check the price and description. Reservations will only be considered definitive once a credit card number has been provided as a guarantee.

4.2 Internet booking

It is the Customer's responsibility to select the reservation he/she wishes on the Internet Site, in accordance with the following procedures: Rooms are presented using a description sheet, enabling the Customer to check the price and description.

Customers can check the details of their reservation, its total price and correct any errors before confirming their acceptance. It is the customer's responsibility to check the accuracy of the booking and to immediately report or rectify any errors.

  • Booking on the Website:

The registration of a reservation on the Website is completed when the Customer accepts the present GTC by ticking the box provided for this purpose and validates his/her reservation. This validation implies acceptance of the entirety of these GCS.

The reservation is only definitive once the Hotel has sent the Customer confirmation of acceptance of the reservation by e-mail, and once a credit card number has been provided as a guarantee.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded in the Hotel's computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Customer.

  • Reservations on partner sites:

Reservations made on partner sites are subject to the terms and conditions specific to each partner.

  • Non-cancellable and non-refundable reservations:

Non-modifiable, non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-cancellable reservations are mentioned in the description of offers on the Website and/or on partner sites and/or by the Hotel.

Any reservation made, validated by the Customer and confirmed by the Hotel ouses partners, under the conditions and according to the methods described in 4.2, constitutes the formation of a contract concluded remotely. The sale is considered final when a credit card number is provided as a guarantee.

4.4 Provisions common to all reservations

All reservations must be guaranteed by a credit card valid at the time of booking, failing which the reservation will be automatically cancelled. If sufficient funds are not available on the customer's credit card to make a reservation, the reservation will be declared void. The same applies if the credit card has passed its expiry date.

If a security deposit and a reservation fee are required to confirm the reservation, these amounts will be debited from the credit card at the time of booking and are non-refundable.

The Hotel reserves the right to cancel or refuse any reservation from a Customer with whom there is a dispute concerning payment of a previous reservation.

It is the Customer's responsibility to check the accuracy of the reservation and to report any errors immediately.

By making a reservation, the Customer authorizes the Hotel to debit the credit card presented with the amount of any cancellation fees due.

It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to inform the Hotel of any new request or modification, including a change of arrival time or cancellation, with the exception of non-cancellable and non-refundable reservations.

Any requests by the Customer to modify a reservation will only be taken into account, within the limits of the Hotel's possibilities, if they are notified by e-mail at least 48 hours before the scheduled date indicated on the reservation. The conditions of article 6 Cancellation - No-Show will apply.

In the event that these modifications cannot be accepted by the Hotel, and in accordance with the aforementioned article 6, any sums paid at the time of booking will be refunded.may be refunded within a maximum of 14 days from notification of the impossibility of accepting the modifications requested by the Customer.


Article 5 - Rates - Payment terms - Deposit

5.1 The Services are provided at the rates in force at the Hotel and/or on the Internet Site and/or on partner sites, on the day of the immediate purchase, or of the recording of the reservation by the Hotel. Prices are expressed in Euros, inclusive of tax. These rates are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity, the Hotel reserving the right, outside this period of validity, to modify prices at any time.

5.2 The Customer shall pay the Hotel the full amount of the accommodation charges indicated, upon departure from the Hotel, and any additional charges or requirements owed by the Customer to the Hotel.

If a security deposit has been paid at the time of booking, the Customer will pay the balance of the specified accommodation charges.

The following secure payment methods are used:

  • cash,

  • credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express.

Payment by credit card is irrevocable, except in the event of fraudulent use of the card. In this case, the Customer may request the cancellation of the payment and the return of the corresponding sums.

Payments made by the Customer will not be considered final until the Hotel has received the sums due.

Payment data is exchanged in encrypted mode using the SSL protocol/standard. Confidential data (credit card number, date of validity and cryptogram) are encrypted using the SSL standard and are never stored on the Website's servers.

If the total price has not been paid by the time the Customer leaves the Hotel, late payment penalties equal to 3 times the current legal interest rate and an indemnity for damages will be applied.interest rate and a fixed indemnity for collection costs will be payable by operation of law at the Hotel's request, without prior formal notice, in accordance with the provisions of art. L.441-10 et D.441-5 du C. de commerce.

5.3 The tourist tax is a local tax that the Customer must pay to the Hotel. It is displayed including VAT. Government or local taxes may be charged in addition.

5.4 A deposit corresponding to 50% of the total price of the Services ordered may be required by the Hotel when the order is placed for groups (minimum 4 rooms) or 75% if the "group" reservation is made at least 2 weeks before arrival. This deposit will be specified in the reservation. In this case, the balance of the price will be payable in cash, on the day of departure from the Hotel, under the conditions defined in the present article.

The Hotel shall not be obliged to provide the Services ordered by the Customer if the Customer has not paid the required deposit. The deposit taken at the time of booking is non-refundable.

Article 6 - Cancellation - No-Show

6.1 With the exception of the non-cancellable and non-refundable reservations specified in point 4.2, which will be invoiced even in the event of cancellation by the Customer, all reservation cancellations must be made no later than 48 hours before the scheduled arrival date. Otherwise, the Customer will be billed for the full amount of the reservation, and the credit card used to make the reservation will be debited for the amount of the reservation.

An amount equivalent to one night's stay, including tax and service charges, will be invoiced to the Customer if notice is not given at least 48 hours before the scheduled arrival date. The credit card used to make the reservation will be debited for the first night.

6.2 No-Show: in the event of a no-show, the Customer will be billed for the entire stay, and the credit card used to make the reservation will be debited for the amount of the reservation.

Article 7 - No right of withdrawal

In accordance with the applicable regulations resulting from Directive 2011/83 of October 25, 2011 on consumer rights, transposed in art. L.221-28, 12° du C. consom. The Customer does not have a legal right of withdrawal for the provision of hosting services for a specific date or period.

Article 8 - Customer obligations - Customer liability

In particular, the Customer undertakes to comply with the following contractual obligations:

  • to honour the payment of the reservation in accordance with the payment terms specified in the reservation and the GTC,

  • provide the Customer's name, address, telephone number and e-mail address,

  • respect the peaceful nature of the premises, and use them in accordance with their intended purpose,

  • return the accommodation in good condition,

  • respect the Hotel's internal regulations

  • respect the hotel staff

The Customer is responsible for all damage caused by his or her own actions.

In the event that no fault is attributable to the Hotel and the Customer has failed to comply with his contractual obligations, the Hotel reserves the right to invoice any compensation justified by the damage suffered by the Customer. This claim for compensation shall be made by drawing up an estimate detailing each item of damage and the amount thereof. The Customer expressly authorizes the Hotel to deduct any sums due from the credit card provided as a guarantee.

Finally, the Hotel may not be held liable for any damage suffered by the Customer if the latter fails to comply with its contractual obligations.

Article 9 - Liability of the Hotel - Guarantee

In accordance with legal provisions, the Hotel guarantees the Customer against any lack of conformity of the Services and any latent defect resulting from a design or supply defect in said Services, to the exclusion of any negligence or fault on the part of the Customer.

The Hotel may only be held liable in the event of proven fault or negligence, and such liability is limited to direct loss, to the exclusion of any indirect loss of any nature whatsoever.

In order to assert its rights, the Customer must inform the Hotel in writing of the existence of any defects within a maximum of 30 days of their discovery, failing which any action relating thereto shall be forfeited.

The Hotel will rectify or have rectified, at its own expense, any Services deemed to be defective, in accordance with the appropriate procedures approved by the Customer.

In any event, should the Hotel be held liable, the Hotel's guarantee shall be limited to the net amount paid by the Customer for the provision of the Services.

Article 10 - Insurance

The Hotel declares that it has taken out professional liability insurance with L'Egide, policy no. 0000005 798 786004 for hotel services.

Article 11 - Protection of personal data

The Hotel complies with the regulations relating to personal data in force in France, and in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended relating to information technology, files and freedoms.

In application of these provisions, we remind you that the nominative data requested from the Customer is necessary for the processing of his/her reservation and, in particular, for the preparation of invoices. This data may be communicated to any of the Hotel's partners responsible for carrying out, processing, managing and paying for reservations. The processing of information communicated via the Website complies with legal requirements for the protection of personal data, and the information system used ensures optimum protection of such data.

In accordance with current national and European regulations, customers have the right to access, modify, rectify, oppose, port and limit the use of their personal data at any time.opposition, portability and limitation of all their personal data by writing to the following address, providing proof of identity:

SAS Hôtelière Séjour Beaubourg Siège Social : 36 rue grenier Saint Lazare 75003 Paris


Article 12 - Intellectual property

The content of the Hotel and the Website is the property of the Hotel and its partners and is protected by French and international intellectual property laws.

Furthermore, the Hotel retains ownership of all intellectual property rights to photographs, presentations, studies, drawings, models, prototypes, etc., produced (even at the Customer's request) with a view to providing the Services to the Customer.

The Customer is therefore prohibited from reproducing or exploiting, in whole or in part, the aforementioned Internet Site, as well as the aforementioned photographs, presentations, studies, drawings, models and prototypes, etc., without the express, written and prior authorization of the Hotel, which may be subject to a financial consideration.

Article 13 - Language - Applicable law - Dispute resolution

These GCS and the obligations arising therefrom are governed by French law. They are written in French. Should they be translated into one or more languages, only the French text will be deemed authentic in the event of a dispute.

In the event of any difficulties, whatever their nature and the date of their occurrence, relating to the scope, interpretation or execution of the GCS, the Parties undertake to give priority to seeking a non-contentious compromise solution. Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with the purchase or sale transactions entered into in application of these GTS, concerning their validity, interpretation, performance, termination, consequences and consequences, shall be settled by the parties in writing.The Hotel and the Customer shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

The Customer is hereby informed that he/she may in any case have recourse to conventional mediation, in particular with the Commission de la médiation de la consommation (C. consom. art. L. 612-1) or with existing sector-specific mediation bodies, or with any alternative dispute resolution method (conciliation, for example) in the event of a dispute.

If the customer has not received a satisfactory response within 1 month, he or she may refer the matter to the Médiateur du Tourisme et du Voyage, whose contact details are given below: Postal address: Médiation Tourisme et Voyage BP 80 303 75 823 Paris Cedex 17

Website: "

If the customer finds that a violation of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data has been committed, he/she has the option of mandating an association or organization mentioned in IV of art. 43 ter of the 1978 French Data Protection Act, in order to obtain redress against the data controller or processor before a civil or administrative court, or before the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés).

Article 14 - Pre-contractual information - Customer acceptance

The Customer acknowledges that, prior to booking, he/she has been provided, in a clear and comprehensible manner, with these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and with all the information listed in art. L.221-5 du C. consom., and in particular the following information :

  • the essential characteristics of the Services,

  • the price of the Services and ancillary charges (tourist tax, for example);

  • information relating to the identity of the Hotel, its postal, telephone and electronic contact details, and its activities, if not apparent from the context,

  • the functionalities of the digital content and, where applicable, its interoperability, - the possibility of resorting to conventional mediation in the event of a dispute.

The fact that a person makes an immediate purchase or reservation on the Internet Site implies full acceptance of these GTS and the obligation to pay.This is expressly recognized by the Customer, who waives the right to invoke any contradictory document that may be unenforceable against the Hotel. The Customer acknowledges that he/she has the capacity required to enter into a contract.

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